Executive Insider
If you want to succeed in the executive world, you constantly need to develop your executive brand. How can executives do this while managing their daily demands? Join J.T. O'Donnell — a LinkedIn influencer and founder of Work It Daily — as she sits down with executives from all over the world to map out the playbook for developing an executive strategy and evolving your executive brand.
Executive Insider
How Executives Can Manage In Chaos
J.T. O'Donnell
Episode 3
Times are uncertain and a bit chaotic right now. COVID-19 is causing executives to think on their feet, shift gears, and come up with new business and leadership strategies. While things seem like they're in chaos right now, executives can successfully manage during this time, if they're strategic about it.
In this episode, I sit down with Marketing Executive Lisa Perry and talk about how executives can manage through chaos, and what executives can do to stand out as leaders during this time.
Lisa's article on the subject: https://www.workitdaily.com/how-to-manage-through-chaos
Read more on Lisa's blog: https://lisalperry.wordpress.com/my-blog/
Work It Daily's membership information: https://workitdaily.lpages.co/pricing/