Executive Insider
Executive Insider
7 Ways Healthcare Professionals Can Navigate COVID-19 Stress & Trauma
Healthcare workers are on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic. Their work, especially right now, can cause them to feel stress and be involved in traumatic situations. So, how can they debrief from those situations and manage their feelings during this time?
Join Healthcare Consultant & Coach Susan Leys as she sits down with Work It Daily founder & CEO J.T. O'Donnell to discuss how healthcare workers can navigate the stress & trauma of a global pandemic and why it's so important for healthcare teams to look out for one another right now.
Susan's article on the topic: https://www.workitdaily.com/stress-management-techniques-healthcare-workers
Healthcare consulting website: http://www.coachingfornurses.io
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ phone #: 1-800-273-8255